When the first LEGO movie was released we absolutely loved it. Seeing a childhood toy brought to life with amazing effects with some adult humor thrown in to go over kids heads was really fun. When we saw a new movie coming out we thought "Holy smokes Batman! This movie will be so awesome, because everything is awesome!" You are welcome for having that song stuck in your head the rest of the day...
Official film synopsis:
In the irreverent spirit of fun that made “The LEGO® Movie” a worldwide phenomenon, the self-described leading man of that ensemble – LEGO Batman (Will Arnett) – stars in his own big-screen adventure. But there are big changes brewing in Gotham, and if he wants to save the city from The Joker’s (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, Batman may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up.

LEGO Batman along with tons of other characters in the film you will probably recognize.
Andrew's Thoughts
I had high hopes for the LEGO Batman movie since the first Lego movie was so awesome (yes I said it again). This movie certainly did not disappoint as it was just as funny, if not funnier, than the first iteration. LEGO Batman may come across as a little over the top for some but I found it the perfect amount of humor and action. If you saw the first Lego movie, then you have a sense of what this is going to be like as the Batman in that movie carries the same humor and high confidence.
This film takes shots at just about every other Batman movie dating back to the 1960s TV show all the way up to the most recent Batman vs. Superman (which deserved far more harassment than it received) from last summer. However, and thankfully, you don’t have to be a Batman movie buff to understand the jokes.
As far as the voice acting, they were spot on. Will Arnett reprised the role of Batman from the first movie and did an outstanding job. I have read in other reviews that the action seemed to come so fast that it was almost too much to follow. I felt that way once or twice but it didn’t away from the film.

Andrew having a toast with LEGO Batman.
Julie's Thoughts
I really enjoyed the original LEGO Movie and hoped this would be similar as well. I was curious if you had to be a big Batman fan to like this movie but it really wasn't the case. I recognized many characters throughout the film and understood the jokes. The storyline asked the question what would happen if Batman wasn't needed anymore and explores why Batman is closed off from relationships. For little plastic figures there is some pretty good character development and I enjoyed the voices. I enjoyed the story and didn't get bored and really was laughing the whole time. Every time a character would use a weapon they would make the sound "pew-pew". Ridiculous things like that are what make this movie unique and pretty awesome.
This movie is best for: anytime you want to see something fun and laugh. We enjoyed seeing it in IMAX at the theater, but would have had a blast at home too.
Official movie site: http://legobatman.com